Fates Forbidden Proposal

I’ve got the collaboration bug (I really have -well, I’ve always had; but recently it’s been a honouring experience); as you all know, back in to the lead up to Halloween, me and Richard Ankers shared six dark collaborations for the spooky season, following that, I shared two collaborative pieces which I wrote with my good friend Stablish, these were fun projects to be part of (they really were (and there’s still work going on in the background; but I’m digressing -I do that a lot when I’m writing down my thoughts, you’ve been warned. ;))), anyhoo, back to today,  today’s collaboration comes in the form of John from JMC813, a brilliant writer who I only chanced through his humbling suggestion of working together (or as he says, dueting -which has a lovely ring to it), and I’m so glad he did, as he has been a pleasure to collaborate with and get to know as a friend; he’s creative nature and attention to detail is inspiring, so please do visit his blog and check out what he writes, I’m sure you will not be disappointed when you get there (I promise you)…anyhoo, I’ve talked waaaaay too much, here’s what we created, I do hope you enjoy the read.

Image sourced from: http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/123/2/3/on_the_hill_of_roses_by_eilidh-d4ydwf8.jpg

Upon a lonely hill he stood,

Crumbled, forlorn;

An acorn resting in his palm,

Sweltering in the storm.

Young man in throes of despair

Trembling, grieving;

This shaking hand lets acorn drop,

Immortality’s symbol so deceiving.

A new life, a new hope

…was all he was seeking

…dreaming, weeping;

Upon this lonely hill, he’s left seething.

Crushed by fates brazen cruelty,

Consumed by the power of her absence

Anger, misery;

Their hilltop…..begged for her presence.

In life, she was a natural beauty;

A gentle soul who loved him dearly,

Healed his heart,

Completed his soul,

He owed her his life, that he knows.

She was his angelic saviour,

For surely she saved him from himself;

She was his life’s purpose,

Unendingly it seemed

Unjustly ripped from his existence.

Trembling, he falls to one knee,

How he failed her when she needed;

His bended knee gives no reprieve

Too late to save, to protect;

On bended knee, so painfully different,

Than he ever could have envisioned.

~Copyright © JMC813 & yikici.  2013

*Image sourced from: DeviantArt.

**All collaborations can be found under the collaborations category.

21 thoughts on “Fates Forbidden Proposal

  1. I’ve never understood human kinds need to believe in some kind of fatalistic end to life, its a choice to believe there is nothing after death and its also a choice to believe that there is a literal death at all. Even reincarnation holds that death is possible or even tries to sugar coat an eternity trapped in matter as the only alternative to death.

    • Indeed, death is a very debatable topic, it’s a matter of personal perception and choice of beliefs; at the end of the day, we all will die one day, how we make that transition is an unknown, other than the physicality’s of it all…I suppose, asides from beliefs, ideas generated from literature, films, etc..provide the sense of fatalities for most…it’s sometimes easier to believe sources like these than getting a true understanding of what may be…it’s all very elusive though, how can we debate death, when we actually have no real understanding of it?

      • Very true, but with life, we still have the opportunity to explore and with advancing technology, we’ll be able to explore it further (perhaps); with the availabilities of potential opportunities, understanding life is a bit more feasible than understanding death; however, I do hear your argument. ✨

      • Yeah I’m merely saying that having a negative view of death isn’t necessary, death or whatever it is can viewed as a positive thing because if the physical reality is all there is then that’s really depressing!

      • I hear what you are saying; this was a collaborative piece, and like all good collaborations, you often do not know where the piece is going until the very end; and that was the case with this piece, it started off with the meaning for new life and new beginnings, then turned into a love story, then a sad loss…the journey was beautiful, and sometimes a touch of dark amongst light writing is needed; but thank you for your lovely comment, I really appreciate it. ☺️✨

  2. Words cannot express how much I enjoyed this collaboration Oz. I am so glad I asked to DUET with you. I am very proud of this piece, and how it turned out. Thank you also for the kind compliments. I appreciate your opinion greatly. Until we have a chance to DUET again……
    Keep Inspiring.

    • Thank you Vic, glad you liked it…and the pleasure was mine, he’s such a creative writer with meticulous work ethics, it’s been a lovely experience to work alongside him.

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